My favorites tweets!! XD

Hey piku pike
so long time no posting , is it??

ummm mau ngapain ya?

Gila yg namanya ngga kerasa , ngga kerasa bgt!!!
I feels the stress of the test from 3 weeks ago ....
since Mr.Cahya announced it!!!
It makes me crazy ,temen2 gue jg pada gila gara uh2

gue nulis ini di twitter :

"Fungsi Mat bikin gila!! Gaya Fisika bikin mabok!! Basket Penjas bikin cape!! Rangka Biologi bikin tidur!! Konstitusi Pkn bikin nagih!!!!! :p"

︽ ︽ ︽

did you know?? many friends said "yea that's true!!"
Oh God , I haven't been study
I don't ready to face the test , it seems to hard for me :p
my brain is full of weird symbol
like f N and Hiragana なにぬねのはば
*i just copy these Hiragana from the google ,i dont know what the meaning of that letters :D*

Ohya!! since the 4 weeks begins of "Bab-2" ...
I still dont understand what's the meaning of "Otot Bisep" ,"Yeyunum","Oosit,"Metagenesis" etc.
Yea !! all of that word is from Biology Subject , hell.
Gmn gue masuk Kedokteran UI kalo gini doang ngga bisa?


Gue pengen posting tweets gue ah!!!

"Gue tetep kekeuh sama masa depan gue , hanya satu caranya yaitu dengan mengikut osis! Go get it ,Tiger!!!!!!!"

ini yang namanya pengen osis , pengen bgt!! gue sampe jatuh bangun ,
nangis ,curhat ke guru dan seterusnya .Dan itu semua beneran!!
Gue sampe mati2an supaya Bu Ida sama Pak Sarjiran (pembimbing osis)
nginget nama gue , segala cara udh gue pake . Dan.........Berhasil!!
Gue dijadiin calon osis sama Bu Ida !!! Alhamdulillah

"If there is a will ,there is a way"
Kalau ada keinginan pasti ada jalan

"Kalo hari ini followers gue nyampe 100.000 ,gue akan nelanjangin adek gue dipasar pondok gede XD"

"Kalo followers gue hari ini sampe 1.396.521 ,gue akan pulangin kalian ke kampung halaman hoho *duitnya drmn dh "

ini yang namanya ngelawak bgt
ngga lucu ah.(*-`ω´- )

"cibo cibo ,iten iten HIHI"

ini ciri2 cowok yang gue suka , ada 2 org HWIHIHI
yang satu kiri yg "cibo cibo" yang satu kanan yg "iten iten" ♥♥♥

Dibaca dari bawah ke atas !

"ummm i'm doing web surfing now , from > > http://akudansekitar.blogsp... >>>"

>>> http://arietampan.blogspot.... > to >>>> these blogs are easier than kaskus , and i know you'll like it!"

I like to doing a web surfing!!
It's make your brain have a rest and adding your knowladge
from news to a interesting fact
from scary story to funny pictures
semua ada disitu!!! kalo ngga percaya cek satu2 dh!!

oiya tambahan :

and the last ,I'll give you a funny video :)
Enjoy watching



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