
Long time no posting :)

I'm very boring with this blog.......................
so I changed the blog's tamplate

Menurut lo gimana??
  1. Smart
  2. Great
  3. So-So
  4. Going Badder
  5. Very bad , even badder than my grandfather's blog
Huaaaaaaaaaaaaa i choose number 5 for this blog ,
Bodo amat lah
yang penting sekarang tamplatenya baru
"Super white for my blog's tamplate , Super white for my heart"

Eid Mubarak!!!

Heart, New Face ,New Mind~~~

Semoga puasa dan amal ibadah kita selama Bulan Ramadhan
diterima oleh Allah SWT

Did you know???
Sooner I'll be grow up to 14th!!
When?????........................October 15!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember that!! Kalo perlu taro di kalender ,lingkarin tanggal 15 Okt..
dgn kata "Ulang Tahun Nadira!!" HEHEHE
Cant waitttttttttttt XD

We close this post with Hamdalah



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