Ini pr dari Windaw dan FiawRules : The rules are simple. Use google image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 7 people.
1.The age of my birthday:

Thirteen huwww
2.Place i'd like to Travel:

London dong ketemu cowok ganteng
3.Favourite Place:

Humz w dun
4.Favourite Food:

Ayam bakar itu kesukaan ku
5.Favourite Thing:

Handphoneku dun
6.Favourite Color:

7.City I ever Lived in:

Jakarta dong kota tercinta
8.Nickname i had:
Nad , Nadira , Nadze , Dongo , India =_=
9.College Major :

Fakultas kedokteran UI hahhahay
10.Name of my Love:

Anjasmara aja deh WAKAKAKAAAKAKKA
11.Bad Habbit :

Tidur sambil ngiler huehuehue

Baca buku dong anak pinter HAHAHHAHA
13.Wishlist :
Me and my family go to heaven , going to attend 8 SHS , have notebook and slr camera. Amiin
Pr ini buat : Birra , Chika , Ayu , Nina , Balqis , Keisha , Nadya oke !
Udah ya capek buat beginian byee
2 Commentaar:
oke deh, aku kerjain nad hahaha makasih yaaaa
oke deh nadyakuuuu
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